To ensure a healthy pregnancy, it is recommend to get specific tests done trimester wise
First Trimester
During the first trimester, the focus is on confirming pregnancy, assessing the overall health of the mother, and identifying any specific potential issues. The most common tests include a urine pregnancy test, if needed – blood tests to measure hCG levels, and an antenatal profile including complete blood count, blood sugars, thyroid hormone, viral markers to check for anemia or other blood disorders. An early ultrasound is to be done to establish the gestational age and ensure proper fetal development. First trimester screening test to rule out chromosomal abnormalities like Down’s syndrome are done along with the NT scan.
Second Trimester (Weeks 13-27):
The second trimester is characterized by increased fetal growth and maternal adaptations. An essential test during this period is the anatomy scan, TIFFA, typically performed around the 20th week. This ultrasound checks for structural abnormalities in the fetus. Glucose screening is also performed to detect gestational diabetes, and Rh factor testing is done to monitor potential blood incompatibilities.
Third Trimester (Weeks 28-40+):
The final trimester focuses on preparing for labor and monitoring the baby’s well-being. Tests in this stage often include repeating the blood profile for the mother, growth scans to check for the baby’s growth, development, to check amniotic fluid levels, fetal Doppler- to check for the baby’s blood supply. non-stress tests (NST) or biophysical profiles (BPP) may be done to monitor the baby’s health and movement,
These trimester-wise tests are crucial to ensure a healthy pregnancy and address any potential issues as early as possible. However, it’s important to remember that the specific tests may vary based on individual health, risk factors.